Computers, JROTC, Marketing, and Technology

Left to Right: A. Harris, B. Christopher, K. Lewis, J. Jackson, C. Plumley, A. Jones, and D. Williams
Courses offered at N.B. Clements Junior High School

Principles of Business & Marketing

Designated as a foundation for occupational preparation in business or marketing, this course allows students to explore the roles of business and marketing in the free enterprise system and the global economy. Students also study how the American economy operates and prepare to make decisions as consumers, wage earners, and citizens.

Computer Solutions

Students develop or review correct keyboarding techniques and gain a basic knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet, database, graphics, and telecommunications applications. Students demonstrate an understanding of computer concepts through application of knowledge. Students learn to use software packages and local and worldwide network communications systems. Grade 8 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning are incorporated and reinforced in this course.

Computer Information Systems

Students apply problem-solving skills to real-life situations through word processing, spreadsheets, databases, multimedia presentations, and integrated software activities. Students work individually and in groups to explore computer concepts, operating systems, networks, telecommunications, and emerging technologies.

Digital Applications

This course is designed for secondary school students to develop real-life, outcome-driven approach skills for digital citizenship, basic computer operations, keyboarding, application software (word processing, spreadsheets, multimedia applications, database), and career exploration. This course promotes skills that can be applied across the curriculum and offers preparation relevant to 21st century skills and postsecondary education. Students who successfully complete this course may be eligible for a rigorous and relevant industry certification examination. Student skills may be enhanced by participation in work-based learning activities and/or the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).

Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies

Students develop proficiency in designing, and creating desktop-published projects, multimedia presentations/ projects, and Web sites, using industry-standard applications software. Students apply principles of layout and design in completing projects. Students create portfolios that include a resume and a variety of desktop-published, multimedia, and Wed-site projects produced in the course.

Cyber Security Fundamnetals

Cyber security affects every individual, organization, and nation. This course focuses on the evolving and all-pervasive technological environment with an emphasis on securing personal, organizational, and national information. Students will be introduced to the principles of cyber security, explore emerging technologies, examine threats and protective measures, and investigate the diverse high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand career opportunities in the field of cyber security.

Information Technology (IT) Fundamentals

Information Technology IT Fundamentals introduces the essential technical and professional skills required for students to pursue programs leading to professional careers and IT certifications. Students investigate career opportunities and technologies in four major IT areas: Information Services and Support, Network Systems, Programming and Software Development, and Interactive Media. Students will evaluate the impact of IT on other career clusters. The focus of the IT Fundamentals course is the introduction of skills related to information technology basics, internet fundamentals, network systems, computer maintenance/upgrading/troubleshooting, computer applications, programming, graphics, Web page design, and interactive media. Students explore ethical issues related to computers and Internet technology and develop teamwork and communication skills that will enhance their employability.


This is the introductory level to JROTC. It is the foundation upon which the program is built. Cadets are assigned to squads, consisting of 5-8 students. Course description: Students focus on the history, objectives, and the development of knowledge and skills in foundations of Army JROTC. Also, the study of leadership theory and application, being a leader, leadership skills foundations of success, communication skills, study skills, conflict resolution, knowing yourself, military customs and courtesies, physical training, service learning/community service, and demonstrate leadership potential as a role model within the JROTC program.