November 21, 2024
While Veteran's Day may occupy one day on the calendar, the students and staff of N.B. Clements Junior High School expanded its recognition of those who have served in America's armed forces throughout last week, culminating in a unique multimedia experience named "Voices of Veterans."
Students in Mrs. Burton's honors English class work on content focused on Veteran's Day for inclusion in their padlet collage.
A thoughtful project led by Clements instructional technology resource teacher (ITRT) Mrs. Wilder and Mrs. Burton's 8th-grade honors English students, the activity sought to explore the significance of Veteran's Day as many students attending the junior high school have a parent, guardian, or family member currently serving the nation.
Students selected a poem or song related to Veterans Day, annotated it, and explained why it resonated with them. They also chose an impactful image and shared its importance. Finally, students expressed what Veterans Day means to them through writing, recordings, or animations.
A snapshot of the A Day student padlet, featuring a collage of images and graphics telling the story of Veteran's Day from the student's perspective.
Explore the visual Padlet collage created by the students by clicking the links below:
The students did an outstanding job, and their work reflects a deep appreciation for our veterans. We're so thankful for their service today and every day!